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Privacy policy

This privacy policy describes how Bård (brd.no) processes personal information. Restack Software AS by the general manager is the data controller for the company’s processing of personal information. This policy includes information you are entitled to by collecting information from brd.no, aswell as information about how we process personal information.

Restack Software is a Norwegian company that delivers products and services to private and public customers in Norway. The company headquarters is located in Haugesund, and is subject to Norwegian and European privacy legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

You are consenting to this privacy policy by using the website or solution.

What personal information do we store

Brd.no collects and stores information necessary to give you as a user the best possible solution for doing board work, and to improve, protect and market our services.

Norwegian companies have an obligation to store certain information many years after the information has been collected. Some information is therefore necessary to store in order to fulfill these obligations.

The following personal information may be collected on brd.no:

  • Names, email addresses and board positions for board members
  • Names and email addresses of meeting participants
  • Names and email addresses to people who get access to files through sharing
  • Names and email addresses linked to invoicing of the subscription
  • Names and email addresses linked to support tickets
  • Names and email addresses for contacts that are registered as shareholders
  • Names, email addresses and birth dates for persons that sign documents electronically
  • Information linked to the use of the solution to monitor uptime and to expose potential error situations.

To make searching in documents possible brd.no may interpret PDF files (OCR). This content is not stored in a structural manner, but may in some cases contain personal information.

How we use the information

The information registered is used to host and manage the solution brd.no for our customers, aswell as to improve and further develop the solution.

Depending on your selected preferences the information you provide may be used to send you newsletters, notifications from the solution and information related to support tickets or other requests.


Cookies are small text files placed on your computer when you visit a website. The following cookies are used on brd.no:

  • Google Analytics We use this to collect statistics about visits to brd.no.
  • Google Recaptcha v3 Protects us against spam by analysing user data to assess the likelihood of visitors being humans or bots.
  • Intercom We use Intercom for chat, support, help articles, and to keep you as a customer updated on product news.
  • LinkedIn Used to collect data for advertising on the LinkedIn network.
  • Meta Used to collect data for advertising on the Meta network.
  • Microsoft Azure The website is hosted on Microsoft's cloud platform Azure, which uses cookies to ensure that the website loads as efficiently as possible for all users.
  • Microsoft Bing Used to collect data for advertising on Bing.
  • Microsoft Clarity Used to analyze usage patterns on brd.no.
  • Mux Used to analyze and optimize video playback.

Google API services

Bård´s use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.


Personal information is only shared with others when it is necessary in order to deliver brd.no, e.g. by sending out e-mail, or hosting and backup of the solution. Separate data processor agreements regulate which personal information is shared with third parties.

In certain situations Restack Software may be forced to hand over personal information as the result of a court order, law or regulation.

Customers of brd.no can add new users who then will have access to the information registered by the customer. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the persons/users given access actually have the right to see this information.

Your rights

You have the right to access your personal information by asking for an overview of the personal data we collect about you, and you may have the right to data portability. You also have the right to ask that Restack Software corrects any inaccuracies in your personal information.

Furthermore you have the right to ask to have your personal information deleted, and to limit or oppose yourself against further processing of your personal information according to this agreement or other terms and conditions specific to this service. Please note that in some cases you might not have access to have your rights as described above fulfilled. Restack Software will in such instances explain the legal basis or reason for this. Please use the email address [email protected] to send all requests as mentioned in this section. Finally you have the right to complain to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority with regards to the processing of your personal data.

Contact information

Inquiries regarding the privacy policy on brd.no can be sent to [email protected].

This translated version of the privacy policy is here to inform. In the event of disagreements only the current Norwegian version is legally applicable.